
今天看到 37signals 最新的一篇博客,Alberto Fernández-Capel 所写的《The 10x Development Environment》。针对近两年比较流行的“10倍生产力程序员”的说法,他在里面提出了一个观点,很有意思,在某些方面引起了我的共鸣。遂以记之。
Alberto Fernández-Capel 在文中认为,那种“10倍生产力程序员”,之所以能做到远超一般程序员的10倍效率,归根结底,是能够自己打造出一个适合自身的“10倍生产力的开发环境”。在这样的环境里,就能如虎添翼,把工作效率提升到极致。
Alberto Fernández-Capel 在文中以他自己为例,详细列举了从工作流程到技术栈再到团队等各个方面是如何打造出这样一个环境的。当然具体细节可以去看看原文,里面都是满满的值得借鉴的经验和技巧,足以让你收获十足。
Alberto Fernández-Capel 在最后总结了这类人(“10倍生产力”)的特质,从某些角度看,我自己的工作或生活中,也在自觉或不自觉地践行着这些思想。😄
In our culture we seem to be obsessed with productivity tips. We want to know about this secret productivity hack, this little detail that you can easily change in your morning routine and suddenly be 2x more productive. Bonus points if you can stack it up with other improbable productivity gains and be 4x, 8x, 16x… more productive.
In the programming world this manifests as endless discussions about workflow improvements: which editor — vim or emacs — or which keyboard layout or key bindings allow you to type faster, or how to make your tests run faster, or about the nuances of a linter rule. These are all fine and useful — I like nuanced discussions more than anyone, and I’ll take any marginal improvement that I can get! But the big productivity gains only come from getting the fundamentals right.
在编程世界中,这体现为关于工作流改进的无止境的讨论:使用哪个编辑器(vim 或 emacs),使用哪个键盘布局或键的绑定而能使你更快地输入,或者如何使测试更快地运行,或者关于 linter 规则的细微差别。这些都很好,也很有用——我比任何人都更喜欢细致入微的讨论,我会接受任何所能得到的微小改进!但生产力的巨大提升只能来自于正确的基石。
To do good work you need to have time to focus on the work itself. You need to have a solid technical foundation. You need autonomy. You need to make hard decisions about what’s important and what’s accessory. That’s what makes the big difference and can increase your productivity manifold.